Thanks for Writing Award Nomination

23 Jul

After doing some research on the blog award nominations I’ve discovered that I have lacked in giving thanks to The Literary Tiger for nominating my blog, mom305, for the Thanks for Writing award.

Thank you for the lovely nomination. As a new blogger, it is very cool to have someone who has such a great blog nominate newbie little me. I started following The Literary Tiger probably on the first day I created my blog. I’m truly thankful that she thought of my blog. Since it was my first nomination, I wasn’t exactly sure of what the rules entailed. Now I am well versed in the subject (I think) and wanted to not only thank The Literary Tiger but apologize for taking this long in posting back.

Please check out The Literary Tiger’s blog for some honest book reviews and very cool fantasy pics/thoughts.

7 random snippets from mom305:

1. My 4 lb. chihuahua, Maddie, goes on hunger strikes when I’m away from her. She has separation anxiety. Luckily I get to take her to work with me everyday. This she absolutely loves. There are 4 other tiny breed doggies at work and she gets to play and run with them all day.
2. I like to run and sign up for most local 5k’s. Usually they are in support of a great cause – bonus! My next run will be for fun though. The Color Run is coming to my hometown and I’m very excited to run while I’m being splashed in neon chalk (is it chalk? IDK) colors. I will definitely wear all white and the oldest running shoes I own. Just in case the colors do not wash off easily.
3.  Last November I took cake decorating classes. I learned a lot and am proud to say I can make a pretty decent cake. It’s for fun and I have no intention of making a living from baking/decorating cakes. But just knowing I can actually make something tasty and pretty makes me feel pretty darn cool.
4. I seriously obsess over the books I read. Twilight was huge, then Hunger Games, Fifty Shades (of course), now it’s A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of Night. The list is much longer but when I’m immersed in my reading, it’s like I’m part of that world. I’m always very sad when the series ends and happy again when I hear the movies is in the works.
5. I absolutely love the beach. If I had to move somewhere that was more than a 30 minute car ride to the beach I would be a very sad woman.
6. There is no house chore I hate more than having to wash the dishes. Rules in the house are I cook, the hubby washes up.

7. My favorite vitamins are the gummy kind. They are yummy and sugary like a candy except it’s good for me. See mom, there is such a thing!

There are also some rules that are followed once you have linked back to the nominating blogger and thanked them. There are many different versions of these rules out there so I gathered them as best I could. Seems like they change from blog to blog. I hope I understood this right. Please correct me if anything.

The rules (or my version of them):

1. Include the award logo in your post or on your blog
2. Say 7 random things about yourself that the readers don’t know yet
3.  Nominate 5 – 10 other blogs you usually follow
4. Let the nominees know that they are nominated & include their blog-links
5. Link the person who nominated you

My nominations for the Thanks for Writing award go to:

  1. Hardcoversandheroines
  2. Reluctantmom
  3. Canadiancinephile
  4. Bookworm1204
  5. 2gliterarygirls

Thank you all for reading and writing and for your great blogs!

4 Responses to “Thanks for Writing Award Nomination”

  1. Literary Tiger July 23, 2012 at 10:26 pm #

    I’ve never done a a run, but that 5K Color Run sounds fun . . . and . . .well.. err. messy! 🙂 Thanks for the kind words and do keep writing!


    • mom305 July 24, 2012 at 10:03 am #

      Thanks again. A good run (or walk) to start with is a 5k, they’re a good distance that you can walk if you like. If you haven’t checked out the color run website, they have some very cool pics


  2. reluctantmom July 25, 2012 at 6:35 am #

    Thank you so much for this!! I always love it when I hear from someone new, and love it even more when I get a “high five” award.


  3. 2 Gliterary Girls July 26, 2012 at 2:56 pm #

    This is awesome! Thank you and I will pass it on.


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